Welcome to Guka’s Take

Welcome to Guka’s Take

Hi. My name is FMCP, an oldish Kenyan gentleman in his 60s from Central Kenya. Those who know me say that I am a little cranky, but also fairly witty and intelligent. I don’t know about that, honestly. All I know is that I support President Uhuru Kenyatta, that I am opinionated, and that I love my meats.

I am also acutely aware that, at 65, I am in the wrong end of our demographic.

For the longest time, I have wanted to start a blog to vent and rant, but I did not have the technical know-how to do it. My grandson has done it for me in three minutes flat. I am humbled by the dexterity and ingenuity of youth, whom I hope will not find me to be a cantankerous old fool.

As you will find out, I am a fairly adventurous old cat, and I will treat you to an eclectic mix of political and lifestyle opinions. I will not seek to offend deliberately, but I can guarantee you that some people will be offended – it is the way it is.

To start with I will re-post some of my articles/writings/opinions/ which I have written elsewhere. I hope you find them to be at least good reads.

Let’s do this together!